Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Blog dedicated to the Sculpture Community of Chicago.

About three-four years back, sometime in 2007, I started to photograph and document the Public Art in Chicago. I had no idea that soon it would become my passion and now I've spent hours and hours and hours on it! 

I have no idea what drives me to it, but I've enjoyed every bit of the process, going to remote corners just to see a sculptural piece, trying to find information, meeting with sculptors, understanding their vision, seeing sculptures being made and not to forget some quality fun time involving lunches and drinks. Now with more than 300 sculptural pieces documented, this blog is dedicated to the Sculpture Community of Chicago.. Past, Present and Future.  

 I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to all the sculptors and artists who have welcomed me to their studios and homes and shared their art with me. Thank You!!!



  1. @Art
    Do you have images in HDR that I can see???
    Personally I am not a big fan of HDR, looks too artificial to me.. I'm more into minimally processed images..
