Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chicago - AIC / Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) - East Garden

Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) -  East Gardens
AIC East Garden with Chicago Stock Exchange Arch

Art Institute of Chicago [AIC] - East Gardens

On the east of the Modern Wing (AIC), 
along the Monroe Street and Columbus Avenue is a beautiful East Garden. 

It is landscaped by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol Ltd. 
who also designed the Lurie Garden in Millennium Park,

The garden is home of the preserved 
Chicago Stock Exchange Arch designed by Louis Sullivan.

Chicago Stock Exchange Arch designed by Louis Sullivan..

Chicago Stock Exchange Arch designed by Louis Sullivan

The centerpiece of East Garden of AIC is the Chicago Stock Exchange Arch designed by Louis Sullivan. Originally the entrance gate, they are now treated as a sculpture.


Gustafson Guthrie Nichol designed the East Garden.  He also designed the Lurie Garden across the street from the Modern Wing in Millennium Park. The similarities between in the East Garden (at AIC) and the Lurie Garden (at Millennium Park) are starkly obvious. Notice the New Wave Planting Style of Lurie Garden, and the use of natives and perennial plants.

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