Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chicago Loop / Harris Bank Fountain - by Russell Secrest

Harris Bank Fountain - by Russell Secrest

Installed: 1975

Location: Harris Bank plaza at Monroe and LaSalle streets, Chicago Loop.

The fountain sculpture was commissioned by the Harris Bank

Seven jets of water splash from and through the seven blue-green, bronze pedestals that make up for this fountain sculpture. The interconnected petallike arms extend 6 1/2 feet in height and the water flows into a massive granite basin that is 22 feet in diameter.

Harris Bank Fountain - by  Russell Secrest

Harris Bank Fountain - by  Russell Secrest

Reference: A Guide to Chicago's Public Art..
By Ira FJ. Bach and Mary Lackritz Gray.


frankdejol said...

Interesting fountain. I really like.

Anonymous said...

There was a companion sculpture by Scecrest that stood in the Harris Bank Lobby. Anyone know where it went?