Bend of Mind..
By Tony Cragg..
Bronze/ 2005..
Location: Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park..
Grand Rapids, Michigan..
Perhaps one of the few favourites, I saw this year..
For my self-proclaimed love for figural, modern and abstract sculptures - it combines all.. It's fascinating how the various curves from some angle reminds of a human face and from another angle, is just nothing..

Best expalined in the website.. Cass Sculpture.. An excerpt..
The biomorphic profile of Bent of Mind alters continually as the onlooker moves around it, drawing the eye to its extremities as one attempts to make sense of the shifting and distorted forms. "Scale lends Cragg's objects a stable monumentality, yet the surfaces of works like Bent of Mind writhe with a mass of subtly hidden human profiles" . Moving around the piece, an outstretched neck evaporates into a rounded chin, which in turn dissipates into an unfamiliar contour that, in an instant, reveals itself to be a pursed lip or bulging forehead. Like a giant in a high-speed gurning competition, Cragg maps a multitude of human facial possibilities through his depiction of movement. This could even be a monument to the instability of emotion in the uncertain and fast-paced modern world. Contours pulling in opposing directions create tensions throughout, while the smooth, undulating bronze radiates with bold highlights and dark shadows. The highly polished surface enhances the striking presence of the fluid form as the interplay of natural light creates new emphasis on previously unnoticed patterns, textures and curves...

Frederik Meijer Sculpture Park..
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