Saturday, September 25, 2010

AIC: American Art [End of Trail - By James Earle Fraser]

End of Trail..
Sculptor: James Earle Fraser [1876-1953]
Modeled: 1918
Cast: 1928 / Bronze..
The first version was cast in 1893, for World's Columbian Exposition..
Location: Gallery 163 / American Art [The American West]..

The marker reads..
The End of the Trail, James Earle Fraser's best known sculpture, has come to symbolize the decimation of the Native American population due to the westward expansion. In 1893, the year of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the 15-year old Fraser, then a student of the Art Institute, produced the first version of this bronze sculpture. [The Art Institute sculpture is later modeled and cast] A melancholic commentary on the vanishing Indian, the work portrays an exhausted Sioux drooping on his equally weary pony, both rider and horse, have literally - and figuratively - have reached the end of the trail..

For more on.. [click on the link]..
The Art Institute of Chicago...

1 comment:

  1. I saw and admire this sculpture at The Art Institute of Chicago and was very touched by what it expressed, a beautiful symbole resuming perfectly a dramatic history...
