Wednesday, June 16, 2010

LSE: 2010 [Leap of Faith - By Terrence Karpowicz]

Leap of Faith..
By Terrence Karpowicz..
Description: 9’ x 5’ x 4’ 7” / Steel & Polymer
A part of Lakefront Sculpture Exhibit [LSE] - 2010..
Sponsor: Alderman Vi Daley..

From the Lakefront Sculpture Exhibit website..
Karpowicz is a popular public artist whose works have consistently popped up around Chicago throughout his 30-year career. One notable example was this year’s Chicago Sculpture International art happening, “Countercurrents,” held in and around the Merchandise Mart.

This piece, “Leap of Faith,” is an exuberant, triumphant form caught in the midst of a brave action. The sculpture’s “Leap of Faith” is viewed in progress and could be completed with either a graceful landing or a tumbling disaster.

Karpowicz’s work is defined by tension at the point of contact, or joint, and he enjoys creating this tension. The bending creature in “Leap of Faith” is bursting with tension, creating an anxious, beautiful sculpture...

# Lakefront Sculpture Exhibit .. click here ...
# Official website of Lakefront Sculpture Exhibit, click here ..

His other sculptures from the Athelete series are..
# Finish ..
# The Athelete..