Thursday, July 12, 2012

UIUC: Krannert Art Museum [ Blind - by Lorado Taft]

 Blind - by Lorado Taft
Location: Krannert Art Museum
at UIUC [University of Illinois at Urabana-Champaign]
I need more information on this. When was it completed? Was it a commissioned work?

Excerpt from the Oregon Public Library's website.. click here..
This figural group depicts a group of blind people rendered from a scene from Maeterlinck’s tragic drama, Les Aveugles (The Blind) in which the group is wandering lost through a forest without the ability to see; the group unifies with the hope that the young child (positioned in the center), who is able to see, will lead them to salvation.


Krannert Art Museum..
at UIUC [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]

Working model for "The Blind", is at the Oregon Public Library,
which I visited just a few days back..

Working Model of "The Blind"- by Lorado Taft
at Oregon public Library

Working Model of "The Blind,"  by Lorado Taft, at  Oregon Public Library

Oregon Public Library

A Day Trip to Urbana-Champaign: July 3, 2012.. click here..

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