Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chicago West - Arrigo Park / Christopher Columbus Monument - by Moses Ezekiel

Christopher Columbus Monument - by Moses Ezekiel

Christopher Columbus - by Moses Ezekiel

1891 / rededicated 1966

Location: Victor Arrigon Park
West Polk and South Loomis

This sculpture was exhibited in the 1893, Chicago's World's Columbian Exposition, in the Italian Pavilion. The work was commissioned by the owners of the Columbus Memorial Bldg. and cast in Rome. After the World's Fair, it was placed at the entrance of the downtown bldg. But the bldg. was demolished in 1959, and this sculpture went to storage. In 1966, Senator Victor Arrigon, arranged for it to be displayed in it's present location.

Ref: A Guide to Chicago's Public Sculpture
By Ira J. Bach and Mary Lackritz Gray

Christopher Columbus Monument - by Moses Ezekiel

Christopher Columbus Monument - by Moses Ezekiel

Christopher Columbus Monument - by Moses Ezekiel

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