Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chicago North / Lincoln Park / Kwagulth IndianTotem: Kwanusila, The Thunderbird

Kwagulth Indian Totem

Kwanusile, The Thunderbird..

Kwagulth Indian totem pole..

Sculptor:Tony Hunt, the chief of the Kwagulth tribe in British Columbia..

The existing totem pole installed in 1956. It is a replacement of the original toem pole that stood at the site since 1929.

Location: Lincoln Park at Addison Street..
just east of Lake Shore Drive in the Lake View neighborhood..

The colorfully painted totems include a grimacing sea monster at the bottom, a man riding a whale above it, and Kwanusila the Thunderbird on top..

Kwanusila, the Thunderbird...

Kwanusila, the Thunderbird, with wings outspread and claws grip the tail of the whale..

A man riding a whale..

A man riding a whale..

A man riding a whale..

The head of a sea monster forms the base. It supports the whale, that carries the figure of a man on the back, and is topped by Kwanusila, the Thunderbird...

Kwanusila, the Thunderbird, is an authentic Kwagulth Indian Totem Pole, carved in red cedar by Tony Hunt of Fort Rupert, British Columbia.
The crests carved upon the totem pole represent Kwanusila, the Thunderbird, a whale with a man on its back, and a sea monster.
Kwanusila is an exact replica of the original Kraft Lincoln Park Totem Pole, which was donated to the City of Chicago by James L. Kraft on June 20, 1929, and which stood on this spot until October 9, 1985.
Kwanusila is dedicated to the schoolchildren of Chicago, and was presented to the city of Chicago by Kraft, Inc. on May 21, 1986.

# Big Beaver..
# Kwanusila, The Thunderbird ..
# Totem Poles in Chicago..


Anonymous said...

I love this totem pole i made one like this bt no monster i had raven in its place a whale with no man and a thunder bird at the top.I like the totem pole as i have already said it is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love this totem pole I made one like this but no monster I had a raven in its place a whale with no man and a thunder bird at the top. I like the totem as I have already said it is beautiful.