Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chicago - Loop / Aon Center Plaza / The Sounding Sculpture - by Harry Bertoia


"Sounding Sculpture" .. by Harry Bertoia

Installed: 1975 

 Copper-beryllium, brass and granite
Six of 11 elements on display, H 16 ft. (each)

Location:: Aon Center (formerly Amoco Building) Plaza,
200 E. Randolph St., Chicago.

Commissioned by the Standard Oil Company for the plaza of it's headquarter bldg.



While the elements of Harry Bertoia’s sculpture are abstract, his inspiration comes from nature. A memory of wheat fields swaying in the breeze and the intriguing notion of a mythological Aeolian harp activated by the winds inspired Bertoia to create his “sounding sculpture” fountain. Installed in two parts, each segment of the artwork consists of black granite bases supporting brass plates, from which rise rows of flexible rods of thin copper. Wind currents cause the rods to vibrate at various frequencies according to their lengths, creating pleasing musical sounds.

Reference: Harry Bertoia (Untitled Sounding Sculpture) click here

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