Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Runners - by Theodoros Papagiannis [Installation - A Pictorial Documentation]

The Runners - by Prof. Theodoros Papagiannis..
The sculpture is donated by the Athens Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International. For more click here..
Location: O'Hare International Airport, at I-190, just before it joins I-90.

"The Runners", is a massive 18-foot x 40-foot sculpture, with 10 individual runner statues. Each of the first five runners, is about 6,000 pounds [3 tons] and each of the later empty runners, is about 12,000 pounds [5-6 tons]. This major installation went through many different stages.
  • By March 14, 2011, the site was prepped for the statues installtion with fencing of the area and excavtion.
  • 21 March.. Setting plates and rebard were installed..
  • 25 March.. First concrete pour..
  • 05 April.. Installation of The Runners statues
  • 11 April.. Second concrete pour..
  • 20 April.. Third and Final concrete pour..

The setting plates and rebars were installed by March 25, 2011...

First Concrete Pour [March 28, 2011]..
One-foot n' six-inches [1'- 6"] of concrete pour..

Installation of statues [April 5, 2011]..
The work began at 7am and by 3pm, all the 10 statues were installed. Each of the first five runners are about 6,000 pounds [3 tons] and the later empty runners are about 12,000 pounds [5-6 tons]. These pieces are water-jet cut..

Installation of statues [April 5, 2011]. By 3 pm, the 18-foot tall and 40-foot long sculpture was installed.. Sculptor Prof. Theodoros Papagiannis was present for the installation of the statues. He flew back to Athens the next day, and will be back soon for the ribbon cuttting on May 2nd..

Second concrete pour [April 11, 2011]
Two-foot n' three-inches [2'-3''] of concrete pour..

Third and Final concrete pour [April 20, 2011]..
About nine inches [9"] of concrete pour. This makes for a total of about 5-foot of concrete pour. The final concrete pour was stained in "Cool Gray" shade, which matches with the color tone of the sculpture..

Two people prominantly involved in the installation process, Mr. Demetrios Kozonis [left] and Mr. Andrew T. Dumovich [right] with the sculptor Prof. Theodoros Papagiannis [in the center]..

Sculptor Theodoros Papagiannis is a professor at the prestigious School of Fine Arts in Athens. His work is found in many public buildings and places, both in Greece and abroad, as well as in public and private collections, museums, and galleries.

Mr. Demetrios Kozonis is the Chairman of Athens Committee [Chicago Sister Cities International]. He is also the President and Founder of Delko Construction Co., Inc., incharge for the installtion of the sculpture.. Mr. Kozonis has also spearheaded the fundraising efforts for "The Runners" project.

Mr. Andrew T. Dumovich is the Vice President of Delko Construction Co., Inc. He has been very closely overseeing the installation process..

Mr. Vincent V. Gendusa from Skyline Contractors.. He has been closelty associated with the installation process..

The Runners, is donated by the Athens Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International. Here is the Finance Team..

Cutting, fabricating, sand-blasting, installation and landscaping..
As any major installation, "the Runners" went through many different stages of production and installation...
  • Special high grade, vessel strength stainless steel, about two-&-quarter inches think were ordered from Indiana. Everything that goes under the concrete has special coating to make them non-corrosive, making the expected life of the sculpture to be more than a 1,000 years..
  • The Runner statues have been water-jet cut at Remtex Inc., Alsip, Il...
  • The statues were fabricated at Palatine Welding Company..
  • The sandblasting and cleaning was done at Duroweld co., Inc...  I had visited Duroweld and here are some images of "The Runners"...
Now coming to the construction stage..
  • A major proportion of the on-site construction work is by Delko Construction Co. Inc.
  • The excavation was done by, Ground Crew Excavating & Demolition Inc.
  • Skyline Con. Inc., all the framing, rebar installation and concrete pouring
Remaining work includes..
  • Landscaping, and installing lighting and sprinklers..

A lot of planning went through the installtion of this massive 18-foot x 40-foot sculpture, with ten runners, each weighing about 3-5 tons.

Holes in head and shoulders...
When I was at Duroweld, I saw the statue pieces and noticed holes in the head and shoulder [image above, click to enlarge]. I was told it was to facilitate the carrying of pieces by the crane for installation, and also, to provide support for fixing straps, till more concrete is poured to hold them at place. At the installation site, I saw how these holes were used..
The post is becoming too long, so I am continuing in another post..
For more on "The Runners: Attention to Details", click here..

# The Windy City will soon have a new symbol, "The Runners", by Theodoros Papagiannis..
# The Runners - by Theodoros Papagiannis [Finishing touches at Duroweld Co. Inc.]...
# International Sculpture Program of Chicago Gateway Green Project..

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