Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Chicago South / Drexel Fountain (1882) - by Henry Manger

Drexel Fountain - by Henry Manger

Drexel Fountain - by Henry Manger

1881-82 / Restored


Believed to be one of the earliest monuments in the city.

The four-sided statue is decorated with Neptune and harvest Goddess figure.

Donated by Drexel brothers - Francis Drexel and Anthony Drexel - in memory of their father Francis M. Drexel, whose life-size sculpture sits atop this fountain.

Drexel Fountain (1882) - by Henry Manger
Drexel Fountain  - by Henry Manger

Upon an elaborate pedestal is the life-size sculpture of Francis M. Drexel.. 

"A Philadelphia broker and banker Francis M. Drexel, who, although may have never set his foot in Chicago, donated a wide driveway through land he owned here with the understanding that it was to be used as a boulevard bearing his name. His sons Francis A. Drexel and Anthony Drexel erected a statue in their father's memory."

Life-size sculpture of Francis M. Drexel
Francis M. Drexel

The elaborate bronze and granite ornamental fountain includes figure sculpture of Francis M. Drexel above the upper basin.  A four sided bronze pedestal below has bas-relief panels featuring Neptune riding a dolphin, a harvest goddess gathering flowers and other scenes.

In 1888, six years after the installation, the Drexel brothers spent an additional $5000 to enlarge the fountain and provide jets to allow water to run continuously.

In 1999, the PBC made significant repairs to the historic Drexel fountain, as part of a city-wide fountain program. Today Drexel fountain is the oldest exhisting public sculpture in Chicago parks.

Drexel Fountain - by Henry Manger
Neptune riding a dolphin / Drexel Fountain

Drexel Fountain

Drexel Fountain

Drexel Fountain

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