Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Chicago - SouthWest Side / Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt

Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt


Flight Forms - by Richard Hunt


Stainless steel / 35 ft H

Location: Chicago Midway Airport

Commissioned by the City of Chicago Percent for Art program.

Richard Hunt’s Flight Forms unites a variety of forms in an upward-sweeping composition that suggests the defiance of gravity and the dynamism and wonder of flight. The sculpture’s grand scale balances the scale and character of the airport’s architecture. It is highly visible to passing motorists and provides an engaging experience for pedestrians.

Source: City of Chicago Public Art website

Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt

Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt

Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt

Flight Forms (2001) - by Richard Hunt

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