Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chicago South - Bronzeville / Ida B. Wells ‘Light of Truth’ Monument (2021) - by Richard Hunt

Ida B. Wells Monuemnt with sculptor Richard Hunt

Above Image: Ida B. Wells Monument with sculptor Richard Hunt


Ida B Wells 'Light of Truth' Monument - by Richard Hunt

Unveiled: 2021

Location 37th & Langley Blvd, Chicago

Bronzeville neighborhood

Ida B. Wells ‘Light of Truth’ Monument (2021) - by Richard Hunt
Ida B. Wells Monument with scuklptor Richard Hunt and I

Ida B. Wells Monument with sculptor Richard Hunt

Above Image: Ida B. Wells Monument with sculptor Richard Hunt

Can you spot Richard Hunt's signature on the metal? It's there!

Ida B. Wells Monument - by Richard Hunt

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