Thursday, February 9, 2023

Chicago North / Jetty (1980) - by Barry Tinsley


Jetty - by Barry Tinsley

1980Cor-Ten steel / H 48 ft. x W 12 ft. x D 15 ft. 

Location: 24th District Police Station 

6464 N. Clark St., Chicago

City of Chicago Percent for Art program

Barry Tinsley’s Jetty is made from plates of Cor-Ten steel welded into a variety of volumetric forms that are fastened together by welding and brackets. It was assembled on-site at the Rogers Park District Police Station and dedicated in January 1980. Because of the intense urban nature of the site, Tinsley designed an innovative, non-objective work, oriented close to the ground to give its viewers a sense of visual order and their own human scale.

Source: City of Chicago Public Art website

Photos taken: October 8, 2019

Jetty (1980) - by Barry Tinsley

Jetty (1980) - by Barry Tinsley

Jetty (1980) - by Barry Tinsley

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