Monday, February 27, 2023

Chicago - Near South Side / The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio

The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio

 Above Image: BOTS with sculptor David Weeks of the David Weeks Studio

The BOTS - by David Weeks Studio

Installed: 2018 

These are larger version of the wildly successful desktop puzzle toy - cubebot. 

Painted aluminum / Standing figure is 23' tall. 

Fabricated at the Vector Custom Fabricating

Location: Marriott Marquis bldg. (near McCormick Place)

at 2121 S Prairie Ave. Chicago, IL.

The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio
BOTS with sculptor David Weeks

Above Image: BOTS with sculptor David Weeks

The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio
BOTS - by David Weeks Studio

The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio

The BOTS (2018) - by David Weeks Studio

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