Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chicago South - Midway Plaisance / Carl von Linne Monument - by Carl Johan Dyfverman

Carl von Linne Monument - by Carl Johan Dyfveman

Carl von Linne Monument - by Carl Johan Dyfverman

Installed: 1891 / Rededicated 1976

Location: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Commissioned by the Swedish community of Chicago.

From 1891 the Carl von Linné statue stood at Fullerton Avenue and Cannon Drive in Lincoln Park. It was transferred to the current location at Midway Plaisance by the Swedish Bicentennial Commission. Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustav rededicated it, April 19, 1976.

Carl von Linne Monument

Commissioned by the Swedish community of Chicago.

Relocated from Lincoln Park

Relocated from Lincoln Park 1975

King of Sweden

Carl von Linne Monument


Martin Dyfverman said...

Hello from Sweden

I am the great grandson of Carl Johan Dyfverman, the sculptor of the Linné monument.

I was very happy to see the new and attractive look of Your website of Public Art in Chicago and the fine pictures of his statue.
Here in Sweden he made a lot of sculptures both in public places, on houses and a lot in churches. Actually he was the first artist in Scandinavia to work in ICE (for the benefit of the poor people in Stockholm during cold winters 1888-91)
If you want to know more we have a website with this adress:
Best regards!
Martin Dyfverman, Örebro, Sweden.

Len said...

Hello Martin,

I am a Swedish-American and worked on rebuilding the Linne statue back in 1976 on the Midway at the University of Chicago. I would love to talk to you about your great grandfathers monument. My father was in charge of this Project and was born in Smoland, Sweden. Please contact me at: firebrick720@yahoo.com
Len Johnson

Anonymous said...

This was not a statue by Dyfverman. It is the work of Frithiof Kjellberg. Please see http://www.cpdit01.com/resources/planning-and-development.fountains-monuments-and-sculptures/Midway%20Plaisance/Carl%20von%20Linne%20Monument.pdf

Martin Dyfverman said...

You are right, that the original Linné statue, in Sweden, was made by the famous sculptor Kjellberg.
But when a replica was ordered for Chicago, Carl Johan Dyfverman made that.
It´s also a fact that two of the smaller bronze figures was made entirely by Dyfverman, since Kjellberg became sick. It is also argued here that D. was involved
much in the doing of the Linné statue itself.

Martin Dyfverman
Örebro, Sweden