Saturday, September 8, 2007

Chicago - Millennium Park / The Cloud Gate / The Bean - by Anish Kapoor

The "Cloud Gate" ... one of the most popular outdoor sculptures of Chicago. This elliptical sculpture is actually a seamless series of highly polished stainless steel plates, inspired by liquid mercury. Designed by British Anish Kapoor, it's named "Cloud Gate", since a large portion of the sculpture reflects the skyline.

However Chicagoans call it "The Bean" ... because of it looks like a giant mercury jellybean. The 12-foot-high arch provides a "gate" to the concave chamber beneath the sculpture. Measuring 66-feet long, 33-feet high and 42-feet wide [weighing 110 tons] ... it is one of the largest sculptures of its kind in the world ... and easily one of Chicagoans favourite!

On the underside of the sculpture "Cloud Gate" is the "omphalos", a concave chamber that warps and multiplies reflections..

Below are some images taken on a cold winter day..

I got my first commissioned photography assignment, to photo-shoot at this place..
For more.. click here ...

# Artist Frank deLoach.. click here..

# The Millennium Park ..
# My First commissioned assingment..
# Artist Frank deLoach..
# Have No Narrow Perspective - by Identical twin artists, Ryan and Trevor Oakes..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This artist is amazing... I found great pictures of Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate in Art Days, here is the link! Enjoy! :)