Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chicago Loop / Lines in Four Directions (1985) - by Sol LeWitt

Lines in Four Directions (1985) - by Sol LeWitt

Lines in Four Directions - by Sol LeWitt

Installed: 1985

Painted aluminum / 90 X 72 feet

Location: 10 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604

Funded by grant from the NEA's Art in Public Places program and publicly raised funds.
(NEA - National Endowment for the Arts)

Lines in Four Directions - by Sol LeWitt

Divided into four equal sections, the aluminum slats of Sol Lewitt’s wall relief are arranged vertically, horizontally and on two diagonals. As light and shadow play across the louvered surface throughout the day, ever changing patterns form. It is a quiet, contemplative work that provides a momentary escape from the surrounding city bustle.

Lines in Four Directions reflects Lewitt’s primary interest in the system used for making art, which determines the form his art takes. To emphasize this concept, Lewitt limits his visual vocabulary to basic geometric shapes and often restricts his color palette to white.

Lines in Four Directions (1985) - by Sol Lewitt

Lines in Four Directions (1985) - by Sol LeWitt


Lines in Four Directions (1985) - by Sol Lewitt

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