Thursday, March 26, 2009

Grant Park / Rosenberg Fountain (1893) - by Franz Machtl

Rosenberg Fountain - by Franz Machtl

Rosenberg Fountain

Sculptor: Franz Machtl [German sculptor]

Installed: 1893  / Restored in 2004 

Location: Grant Park 
intersection of Michigan Ave & E. 11th St. (1000 S), Chicago, IL 60605

It reads, “Presented by Joseph Rosenberg San Francisco, Cal.”


Rosenberg Fountain / Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera

The 11-foot tall bronze figure holding a goblet and pitcher represents Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera. As the Goddess of Youth and the Cupbearer to the Gods, Hebe symbolizes rejuvenation.

German sculptor Franz Machtl created bronze sculpture which was cast in Munich. The drinking fountain is enclosed by a columned structure which emulates a miniature Greek temple. Chicago architects Bauer and Hill designed the Greek inspired structure. It reads, “Presented by Joseph Rosenberg San Francisco, Cal.”

Rosenberg Fountain

Rosenberg Fountain

Joseph Rosenberg [1848-91] left a bequest for a fountain in Chicago “to provide the thirsty with a drink.” During his youth here as a newsboy, Rosenberg could never convince local Chicago merchants to spare him a drink. Consequently, he vowed that if he were ever wealthy, he would create a fountain for newsboys to quench their thirst on hot days. He later moved to San Francisco and made a fortune, never forgetting his vow. The fountain was erected at the south end of Grant Park near his childhood home on South Michigan Avenue. Rosenberg’s fountain was installed 2 years after he died.

Rosenberg Fountain


Anonymous said...

Fountain was installed in 1893, not 1993.

Jyoti said...


Anonymous said...

Not true! 1993 is the correct date, but when was statue of Hebe cast in Munich...?

Anonymous said...

No, the 1893 date IS the correct date. It was refurbished in 2004. The work is featured in public sculpture guides published in 1983 AND 1981, and both guides list the date as 1893.