Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stephen A. Douglas Tomb - IV

Continued from the above post..Stephen A Douglas Monument.. click here..

On the east side, is the entrance to the small chamber containing the Senator's marble sarcophagus, made from Vermont marble. It features the words..
Stephen A Douglas..
Born: April 23, 1813
Died: June 3, 1861
Tell my children to obey the Laws and uphold the Constitution.

Above the sarcophagus is a marble bust of the Senator.

Upside down torch, symbolizing end of life..

For more on.. [click on the link]..
# Stephen A Douglas Monument..
# Stephen A Douglas Monument- II [Allegorical Sculptures]..
# Stephen A Douglas Monument- III [Bronze Reliefs]..
# Stephen A. Douglas Monumnet - IV [Tomb]..

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