Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chicago - Navy Pier / Captain on the Helm - by Michael Martino

Captain on the Helm - by Michael Martino

Captain on the Helm - by Michael Martino

Installed: May 19, 2000

Location: Navy Pier
Just south of Navy Pier entrance

Gift from Chicago Lodge of International Shipmasters Association

The site has engraved brickworks with names of 
many legendary captians and contributors to the project.

Captain at the Helm - by Michael Martino

The inscribed words are..
Captain on the Helm..
"They mark our passage as a race of men
Earth will not see such ships as those again."
- John Masefield
Dedicated this 19th day of May, in the year 2000. To those courageous mariners who guided their ships through perilous waters, carrying cargo and people. Thier contributions have been so much a part of our history. May they never be forgotten.
International Shipmasters Association
Chicago Lodge #3
Sculptor: Michael Martino.

The site has engraved brickworks with names of 
many legendary captians and contributors to the project.

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