Derick Malkemus at the Cliff Dwellers..
"A Small Sample" by Derick Malkemus..
There are window installations and wall installations..
Window Installations..
- Stickball
- Flock of Thirties
- Third Shift
- Seed and Wink
- Shoreline
HMG [37"/12"/3"]
Cast aluminum body, Hoffner neck and hardware...
Stick Ball [18"/ variable dimensions]
Cast aluminum..
Vault [31"/20"/15"]
Cast aluminum and Stainless steel..
Flock of Thirties [Variable dimensions]
Cast aluminum / Stainless steel
Third Shift.. [19"/9"/4"]
Cast aluminum..
Seed and Wink..
Seed [4"/11"/5"]
Cast aluminum, stainless steel..
Wink [6"/8"/4"]
Cast aluminum..
Cast Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Plexiglass..
Wall Installations..
- Fast Car
- Air War
- Big Space/Small Space II
- Big Space/Small Space
Fast Car
Cast Aluminum [14"/20"/4"]
Here's details of Fast Car..
Air War
Cast Iron [13"/25"/4"]
Big Space/Small Space II
Cast Aluminum [8"/20"/4"]
Big Space/Small Space
Cast Aluminum [8"/18"/4"]..
HMG [37"/12"/3"]
Cast aluminum body, Hoffner neck and hardware...
An excerpt from some information on a paper on the wall...
To answer the frequently asked question..
Yes, I've been banging on a guitar for about as long as I've been making sculptures. Yes, my guitars are quite playable. I've been banging on the first one every day since I finished it... until I finished the second one. Yes, they're kind of heavy, around 8 1/2#, still they weigh less than the average Les Paul. Yes, you can try one... by appointment.
SCULPTOURS.. or Sculpture Tours are presented by two professional sculptors and educator, Christine Rojek and Carol Hammerman. And I am proud to have them as my friends. Join sculptours to
Discover the iconic and hidden treasures of city's diverse sculpture collection..
One day soon, I will write on Sculptours..
Derick Malkemus works at Vectom Custom Fabricating. I had taken a trip to their shop and here is my post on it..
click here..
Paintings by ????
2010: Cliff Dwellers [Small Scale Sculptures by Vector Fabricating] ..
2010: Cliff Dwellers [Organic Sculptures by Vivian Visser]..
Very Interested.. [2008/ Cast Aluminium]..
Another of Derick Malkemus work at an earlier exhibit at the Cliff Dwellers..