Friday, November 16, 2012

Chicago - Near North Side / Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital / Dedication of "Healing Water" - by Mark Davis

Healing Waters - by Mark Davis

Dedication of the installation : Nov 15, 2012:

Location: Driveway of  Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital

The installation of outdoor sculpture "Healing Waters" is made possible through the generosity of Chicago residents Gigi and Michael Pucker, through the Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation.


Sculptor Mark Davis

From the press  release..
The Mark Davis piece, entitled “Healing Waters,” is a suspended sculpture, situated above the driveway entrance to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago that represents the flowing movement of water. Comprised of painted blue and green steel and carbon fiber molded plates with a rim of LED lights, these virtual waves are meant to evoke the calming effect of water, and share its positive energy with all who enter the hospital.

Sculptor Mark Davis
Boston-based artist Mark Davis grew up in South Bend, Indiana, and visited to the Art Institute of Chicago regularly in his youth. At the age of 14, he discovered the work of artist Alexander Calder, whose whimsical mobiles inspired him to create his own pieces including jewelry and sculpture, both kinetic and stationary. “Healing Waters” is the artist’s largest work to date. .

 Healing Waters
President and CEO Patrick M. Magoon
of the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Greg and Cathy Marton, with their children Ryan and Campbell

Cathy Marton with Ryan and Campbell

 Michael Pucker of the Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation

Greg and Cathy Marton, with their children Ryan and Campbell
The incredible story of  how the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's
 saved Ryan's life can be read here.. click here..


The Healing Water's team
Sculpture Healing Water's 

Guess where the steel frame for this beautiful sculpture was made?
Vector Fabricating!
And I met a few extremely talented  members
from the Vector Fabricating team [image below]
 The Vector Fabricating team..
 In the above image, from left.. Nathan Overley, Derick Malkemus, 
 Steve Mueller, Barry Hehemann and sculptor Mark Davis
I am extremely grateful to be invited to the dedication of the sculpture Healing Waters. My Special Thanks to the agency Carol Fox & Associates for the invitation and a shout out for it's wonderful employee Mia DiMeo who has been corresponding with me with all the relevant information, and  Eileen Chambers with who I discussed at great length the art scene of Chicago and how this Lurie Children's Hospital was the most amazing collection of artwork.  Also a special mention of Jennifer who gave an art tour of the hospital.

Interfaith Chapel 
12th Floor of Lurie Children's Hospital..
Glass artwork titled,  Forest of Hope - by David Lee Csicsko..
For more images, click here..

Additional information on the sculpture..
The steel frames made at Vector Fabricating..  click here..
Supplier of composite fabrications [wave shapes] : ADM works..  click here..


ruth Aizuss Migdal said...

Gorgeous; I love it! ruth Aizuss migdal

Jyoti said...

Thanks for writing Ruth! Very beautiful indeed!